Foundation Stuff For Practice

hi. this isn't done.

General Points to Remember
  • Magic is a form of self-empowerment. If you genuinely don't like your practice, stop doing it.
  • You don't need to be a specific religion or worship spirits to do magic (not counting certain culturally-specific rituals).
  • You don't even need to fully believe in magic to do magic. This can be fun psychodrama for you, if you want.
  • Spirituality should be enriching, but be wary of spiritual bypassing (similarly to how it's cool to be creative, but maladaptive daydreaming isn't so great).
  • You don't have to be solemn to be serious. Don't be afraid to have a little fun with it.
  • Do what you want. Treat all my advice as a recommendation or just personal stuff. As long as you're not appropriating a closed/initiatory practice, you are the one who sets your own rules.

Also: Be wary of people very clearly just trying to sell you things. While people do deserve to be compensated for their time and effort making talismans, doing tarot readings, casting spells and such, there's still obviously a lot of grifters who don't believe in what they're doing and are just trying to make a quick buck. I've seen miracles, but they're called "miracles" for a reason.

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If someone is trying to fearmonger and treat something as being insanely urgent and that you have to give them money Right Now to fix it, it's probably a scam.

(I will say though that even if it turns out that scientifically-speaking magic isn't real, I don't think spiritual services are a scam if both parties genuinely believe in what they're doing and nobody is being harmed by whatever is going on. So like... Faith healing as a substitute for modern medicine is Bad, but tarot readings or spirit conjuring services are Whatever as long as nobody is promising their spells are gonna cure cancer.)


This is the stuff for if you're a total beginner to ritual work

Cleansing and Preparing the Ritual Space, Altars, Etc.

Sharpening the Psychic Senses

Making Contact

[Info about actual summoning shit and divination goes here]

Putting Everything Away

Knowing how to “wind down” and separate yourself from the spirit world when you don’t want to be a part of it is important. This is touched upon in The Psychic Witch, but a phenomena that I’ve seen a lot even before reading that book is the idea of being “fried”. People who are plugged into spiritual things 24/7 can start to get a bit… Weird. You’ve probably noticed it yourself at one point. Guys who just go on and on, rambling in run-on sentences that barely make any sense and jumping over every little thing like they’re having a bad trip. However, it must be noted that this can happen to anyone from attempting to over-exert any sorts of psychic powers, regardless of if you take substances or not.

[explain stuff on grounding and shutting down]