It's me!!!

This page has all the info you'd ever need about me! So don't ask me anything about myself unless it's relevant to the conversation.

Native American + Filipino/Chinese mixed. I was born in the wrong era. I should be a rich person's pet wizard or a temple priestess. I don't feel like having to edit this page a ton, so let's just say I'm over the age of 27.

Pronouns are "whatever".

Names you might know me as:

Now that's what I am, but who am I?

Look. If I had to explain who I am in detail, we'd be here all day. All you need to know (other than what's already listed) is if I wrote myself as a character and tried to apply that character to closed RP groups, I'd get denied for being too "unrealistic". I live in the fast lane, and there's a lot to unpack here. You're free to pick up the random pieces I drop in my anecdotes and put something together.

Make up some lore, even, if you want. Just make sure I look not-that-bad.


Here's the "just for fun" stuff


Enneagram: 5w6

I don't take personality tests too seriously, but upon reading those I'm like "ah shit, yeah that's me" so the results can stay.

Sun Moon Rising Mars Venus Chart Ruler
Libra Leo Aries Scorpio Scorpio Scorpio

Anyone who knows me personally who also knows anything about astrology will tell you this chart, unfortunately, makes a lot of sense. (I don't really believe in astrology too much, but I think for people who choose to do occult stuff it's going to end up being applicable to your practice. I think for people who choose to be more mundane, it doesn't really matter tho.)


  • Occult stuff, "witchcraft", ancient pre-colonial gods, demonolatry, and other weird paranormal things
  • DIY hacking my brain chemistry and learning about drugs/medicine
  • Doing whatever I want, whenever I want
  • Surviving yet another one of the universe's attempts to get me killed


  • Having a physical form
  • Reduced/Zero sugar drinks+foods
  • Coffee (the flavor)
  • The universe's constant attempts to get me killed

My Sonas

How come every image of dna both looks perfectly correct and also the exact opposite of how they should look

I don't actually like putting my real face out on the internet, but here's some ways to represent me:

