Official Soundless Sleep Mirror

I don't know if this counts as a webcomic, but you can call it a webcomic if you want.

Soundless Sleep was originally an experimental piece of storytelling told entirely through Discord, taking inspiration from old forum games where other users could vote on what the character should do next. Kind of like me being the GM for the whole server playing one character.

I'll try to do my best to re-create the look and feel of how it's supposed to flow as accurately as possible, but some things might end up being "lost in translation". During the story, there may be meta commentary, such as listing what poll was given to the readers, what the possible answers were, and what the actual results were that influenced the story.

Since the original SoSl was also meant to be a "first draft" and an exercise in on-the-fly writing sprinting, this version will also have some minor fixes, such as grammar corrections. If it looks like this work was written by an amnesiac insomniac who didn't proofread or plan story beats ahead of time: that's because it was.