Exalted OCs, Higher Selves, Etc.



"Exalted" or "Higher Self" versions of characters are the "blueprint" version of the character that keeps them consistent across multiverses. Each one could be considered a (major or minor) god of sorts, and all other iterations of this character are sent to alternate universes upon creation. The most common reasons for this happening are due to boredom, or to gain more information about a new world. This can also happen if a godform is attacked, and parts of their soul splinter into pieces and make their own new beings. Rarely, a godform may be fractured so hard that the original "dies", and all that's left are lesser pieces. Exalted beings may also be "corrupted", with the effects of each corruption varying greatly by individual.


Beings branched off from godforms may be called things like "iterations," "forks," or "reincarnations," depending on the context. Godforms may come into existence at any time, and it's possible for a formerly-mortal person to ascend to one upon death, similarly to standard hero worship. Strong enough godforms may undergo a sort of mitosis (purposefully or accidentally) and split into another godform, instead of making a new fork. (E.g. Hyouka and Dokiko split off of Shimomi due to their conflicting ideals of logic vs. emotion, respectively.)

Iterations of these beings will have anywhere from vague similarities, to very clearly being a fork of the exalted being- even down to the name. How much the iterations differ from their origin depends on the universe they are being sent to, and what the exalted one decided upon creation of the iteration. Some iterations may micro-manage their iterations when possible (Dokiko), while others have a wide variety of creations due to being not as involved in the process (Net Zero). Iterations may have completely different relations to each other than their respective exalted forms. (Prime Shimomi and Hyouka are quite amicable, but their iterations often end up butting heads due to environmental circumstances.)


Just like the real concept of gods, exalted beings have specific "domains". Larger exalted beings may have more than one, but each will have a specialty they embody the most. All exalted beings have domain over the most extreme positive and negative traits of their aspects. How the specific being feels about their domain is up to the individual, with some loving their domains (Dokiko) while others hate theirs (Shimomi). It's very common for figures to have a love-hate relationship with it (e.g. Net Zero, Alcyone).

Exalted beings will have powers that relate to their domain, even slightly. They may also possess other extra abilities to add a little zest to things. The main limit to a being's power is the literal magic reservoir they possess, as well as their own creativity to use it to their advantage.

List of Exalted Beings By Affiliation/"Pantheon":

Ring of Eight Devas

A close-knit group of godforms from the same general source. Though they have no specific heirarchy or de facto leader, they often defer to Shimomi when making important decisions. They tend to adhere to a rule where each one can only purposefully send one incarnation of themself to a new universe at a time. (So, for example, there will generally only be one fork of Alcyone per alternate universe.)

  • Alcyone - Idols (celebrities, stardom, washed up has-beens, nostalgia, longing)
  • Dokiko (Okiko) - Attention (love, popularity, obsession, stalkers)
  • Khrysos - Fire, Passion (literal fire being both a life-bringer and ender, passion and bullheadedness associated with fire energy, virtue and rage)
  • Shimomi - Fortune, Sudden Occurances, Fate (both good luck and bad luck)
  • Nadia -
  • KC -
  • Nerine -
  • Ash -


A group of godforms that have found solace in each other's presence after being shunned from their homes for being "misfits" (with the exception of Hyouka, who would have been affiliated with the Ring of Devas by default if they did not leave voluntarily). Due to their nature, many of their incarnations tend to fall into the trope of "the last of their kind", "odd one out", or other isolating archetypes. Net Zero is commonly listed as being the leader of the group, but this is mostly out of convenience's sake rather than actual law, since they can annihilate most threats that arise.

  • Net Zero (various characters) - Void (can be nothing and everything)
  • Mislaeran - ?
  • Hyouka - Logic, Robotics (Efficiency, can be insensitive/cruel)
  • 925 - ?
  • Dr. Vrel - Nightmare Fuel


  • Niru - Mimicry (infinite change, but having no true self)