About DNA's Modern Grimoire

This was originally going to be a book, and maybe some day it will, but for now: it's webpages.

As a spirit worker, it’s common practice to meet new entities that have not been recorded in any sorts of other historical texts. The observable universe is vast, and when taking into account the astral and spiritual worlds as well, it is nearly infinite. (When taking into account hedgework, it could be considered functionally infinite.) All recordings of gods, demons, and other spiritual entities were written by humans. That’s not to say I believe it’s all fake and imaginary. Rather, I believe that an adept mage can channel new beings they find and write about them- which is what I have done here.

Perhaps you’re just curious as to what sorts of things contemporary wizards are writing about nowadays. Perhaps you prefer reading about others’ unverified personal gnosis or shared personal gnosis over historical texts. Perhaps you’re simply looking for a new pantheon or entities to work with, and you’ve read through multiple established ones and they’re just not your cup of tea. Or, you might believe such beings are entirely fictitious, and you need inspiration for your fantasy story. Whatever the reason is, hello and welcome. (And before we start off, I will say that the entities here do not mind being written about or what roles they’re cast as, so long as it’s a compelling story. You are free to write your epics and flights of fancy as you wish.)

About the Entities

As mentioned earlier, this is a grimoire of previously-unrecorded godforms. The actual specifications of what these spirits are will vary by spirit, but it would be apt to treat them with the same importance and respect one would give beings such as other gods, major demons, or holy beasts. I will commonly be calling them “gods,” “spirits,” or other terms interchangeably. You may worship them as part of your practice, or you may choose to “work” with them, but whatever the case- if contact is established, mutual respect is important, like with any good deity relationship. It is not recommended you try to contact any of them if you know you’ll likely wimp out, as it can be seen as offensive and a waste of their time. Any particular warnings that are deity-specific will be labeled in the detailed notes on each one.

In general, a good rule of thumb is just to try and not be purposefully rude. If you did something that would offend you, it likely would also offend the spirits. For those who are beginners, it is also important to remember that the deity will likely not fully manifest in your space. Larger entities can make projections of themself to talk to people without actually having to leave their domain. This also means that they may appear to different people in different forms, or even to the same person in different forms at different times.

As for the relationship of the deities with each other- the deities are relatively amicable with each other, but many of them are largely unrelated and have originated from completely different eras and spaces. While some may be larger than others, there is not a specific hierarchy involved. Regardless, it is fine to work with all of them if you wish. Or you can just focus on your favorite one(s). The world is your oyster. The entities also do not care what culture you’re from, as they’re completely alien to us, so any practices here are “open” for anyone. It should also be noted that each entity can be benevolent or malevolent as they please, just like other people can, and that boiling them down to terms like "good" and "evil" is reductive. These spirits are also not like the Christian concept of God, and do not demand full subservience from you.

Correspondences Explanation

For each godform, underneath their sigil there will be a “cheat sheet” for correspondences and other info. Not every spirit will have all of the below attributes, but here's an explanation of any of them in case you see them:

The Sigil: You can use this as a direct line to invoking them. You don’t have to get the drawing exactly if you’re drawing it by hand- pay attention to what seems to be the defining characteristics of the sigil and see if you have the general gist of it down.

Chant: Say, think, or write this several times, if you think it will help. The languages these phrases are in are unknown to humans, and most of them are in different alien languages. Some of them may not even be a particular “language” at all, so much as a series of sounds that best represent the entity.

Symbols/Associations: Common imagery you may see when invoking them

Epithets: Any noteworthy titles they have, or things they would like to be addressed by

Direction: Which direction(s) should be faced or consulted for best results during more complex rituals.

Main Elements: The majority of the element(s) they embody. This is usually their “default” for spellwork, so keep this in mind. I will be a bit more lax with what counts as an element, as the practitioner writing this ascribes to a complex element system that moves beyond the standard “earth, fire, wind, water”. Elements are meant to be both literal and metaphorical. Choose whichever interpretation best suits your practice.

Other Elements: Other elements you can easily invoke them for/with, just not as “strongly” as their main ones.

Colors: The colors you should use when either lighting a candle for them, or drawing sigils for them. (While you may get better results by sticking with the colors, in a pinch you may still use “basic” supplies, such as white candles or a typical black marker.)

Times: The best times to invoke the entity. You can still invoke them at any other time, this will just be when the connection is naturally better.

Stones/Metals/Etc: Their favorite components that you can either use as part of the spell/ritual when invoking, or as an offering to them.

Incense: Similar to the above. The incense you’d light for them.

Other: What it says on the tin. Anything else noteworthy goes here.

Contacting an Entity

You may cast your own protections for yourself or your space beforehand if that’s what you feel the most comfortable doing, but it is not recommended to try and summon the entity in a summoning circle or other containment method. It’s rude and disrespectful to invite a deity into your home with the intent of trapping their projection either due to fear, or because you want to use them for your own gain. It’s a good way to make sure they ignore you until the end of time.

The easiest way to contact your chosen godform is to draw their sigil, and put some sort of offering to activate the sigil (such as putting a drop of anointing oil on it, or writing the sigil on a piece of paper and burning the sigil) while chanting their invocation phrase, if they have one. One may also leave out offerings from their favorites during this time period. How the deity manifests will be different based on what your own psychic senses are good at picking up, but there should be a general shift in energy.

If you are not yet adept at sensing such shifts, then speak your requests the same way one might recite a prayer to a deity. Allow them to take the offerings, but remember to officially dismiss them after the ritual is done. While some deities will automatically leave after the agreement is done, others may stick around for a bit for their own amusement unless kicked out. You must be polite, yet firm and assertive when dealing with these entities.

If you’re the type to go into meditative trances in order to contact entities, then have their sigil on your person and think of their chant before you attempt to go into the trance. You may also attempt to contact them with other tools such as a pendulum, or divination cards, but the effectiveness of these tools may depend on the individual practitioner’s experience with using them.

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