F.A.Q. About The Project Itself

Where do you get your information?

First and second-hand sources. In this case, that means that everything I write about is something I have actually attempted at the bare minimum. For example, I will not write about any demons that I have not invoked at least multiple times. Any other info will be cited when possible, but may also be "thing random person told me once that stuck with me forever".

As mentioned in the index, this site will be heavily UPG-focused. You are free to disregard any of the information I provide if it doesn't vibe with you. You are your own master.

Do I have to do [thing in ritual instructions/warning section]?

Treat everything here as "recommended". I'm not your mom. Just don't be surprised if something doesn't work as intended.

Are you [insert mental illness that is prone to psychosis]?

I have had drug and insomnia-induced temporary psychotic breaks, but none of my mental illnesses cause psychosis unprompted. At my request I have been given antipsychotics before, and they don't inhibit my ability to do magic or do meditation sessions with entities, which is partially why I am unconcerned with this being some delusion. I am also regularly checked out by a psych because I have paranoia about going off the deep end and things seem to be OK.

You also have to remember when I talk about things like summoning spirits, a lot of it is a mental game, such as seeing them in your mind's eye, having meditation visions or lucid dreams with them, using tarot cards or other tools to communicate, stuff like that. It's usually not literal hallucinations. If it turns out magic and spirits are fake and not real, then at the worst this is just flights of fancy in my imagination.

Do you actually believe in spirits/magic/etc?

Yes and no.

Contrary to the impression this site may give, I'm usually a pretty logical and skeptical person. I've just had way too many strange experiences in my life to not be open to the idea of something being out there. I'm under the impression that the "paranormal" is just something we can't accurately measure yet with human tools, unlike other things relating to science. (This is also why I'm so chill with it- if paranormal things do exist, then they need to be treated as "normal", because they are.)

Sometimes I believe in it wholeheartedly. Sometimes it's just psychodrama. Sometimes I don't believe in it at all but I act like I do, and then things come back to haunt me (literally). A lot of times when I interact with this stuff, it's because I'm doing it for fun and I'm very autistic about paranormal things.

But here's the thing: "Reality" doesn't really... Matter. Things are as real to you as you want them to be. If it's something you like doing, keep doing it. This applies both to believing in magic and doing it because you want to, and not believing in magic for your own sanity and just writing about it because you enjoy what-ifs.

What are your personal beliefs on god(s)?

IMO The only difference between a regular spiritual entity and a god is how powerful it is or if it has enough of a following/people venerate it as a god. If any of the above are true, it's a god. It's not a specific species of immortals or something. Any spirit can become a god, and there are multiple cultures where people can ascend when they die under certain circumstances and become gods or god-adjacent.

What are your personal beliefs on demons (where they come from, what they are, etc.)?

Short answer: They're just dudes. Kinda like djinn.

Long answer:

Why did you start this project?

Short answer: There aren't a lot of non-judgemental modern resources on demons and other adjacent entities that are taboo to summon that aren't trying to tell you something or rope you into specific dogma that's just "Christianity but Darker" or blatant appropriation of exotified versions of Indigenous and Eastern Religions.

Long answer:

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