Welcome to my ramblings

(If you are instead looking for my Dream Diary, it's here.)

This site is made for desktop even though it should be read-able on Mobile. I'm sorry everything is squished if you're on your phone OTL

Entries will be organized by the general month (maybe year if I don't end up doing much with this), and then those pages will be broken down by specific days.

I'm gonna use this like a blog or journal or something to write things down. Some things for creative processes or ritual stuff I might want to reference/link to other people, and having this in a semi-public space is probably the best way to do that. Solidifying this stuff out here is also probably better than keeping it in a private Discord server in case the servers go down.

Entries may or may not be signed by specific alters depending on what we feel like doing. We usually identify ourselves by certain emojis as a quick ref, so they'll probably just be signed as the name of the emoji.

NOTE: I am an adult and stuff might get 18+ here in the sense of I drink or do drugs or make a sex joke but it's probably not going to be anything too graphic. Particularly heavy topics like death or suicide will be under a spoiler box.

I also do a lot of magic stuff- spellwork or invoking spirits. For ppl who don't know a lot about that, a lot of times when people talk about magic they did it's often over-simplified or metaphorical. For example, when I talk about spirits "talking" to me, it's not an audible hallucination and usually it's something like I'm using tarot cards to try and figure out what they said, or I'm looking at some kind of meditative vision.

Sometimes I will actively get "spirit messages" as intrusive thoughts and random phrases popping into my head, but this is after establishing a connection with the spirit with the intent to do so, and getting "in the zone" so-to-speak. (Unless it's like... Some emergency or omen. I've had very obvious messages drilled in my head not to go to X place to avoid some accident or something.)

I'm just mentioning this because a lot of newbies see witch blogs and then get sad that they're not immediately being thrust into some secret world. A lot of it is very mundane.