Let's give it up for 2025 I guess
1 / 12 / 2025
2025 already off to a messy start. Cool. First I got scammed out of some pokemon cards off of eBay, that I ordered back in December as a Christmas present to myself. The seller is doing the thing where they wait it out hoping that I run out of time to ask for a refund. Every time I've tried to cancel the order they decline the cancellation request, and trying to message them leads to no answer. Ebay will step in by the 14th if nothing happens, but I'm not hopeful.
Then a customer on my magic store wanted a refund because he wasn't able to actually use the thing he bought from me properly... Normally I don't offer refunds, but the spirits said he was gonna be a problem customer, so I refunded him and banned him from future purchases. I think I should stop selling to newbies.
I guess it's not all bad? I pulled some rare cards this week. And I started a GFM for my medical treatment, which is getting more traction than I imagined.
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2 / 10 / 2025
Okay, so things are getting better. We are fully funded for the GFM so I've already scheduled my treatment, and I'm getting it in early March. I'm nervous. I'm worried it's not gonna work.
I've also decided that I'm going to become a poketuber. I'm doing a thing where I read pokemon cards like Tarot cards. Here's the link if you want it. It's fun and gives me something to do in between orders.
Also, a strange thing happened today. For some reason, I decided to walk over to the Gamestop near my house. I felt really compelled to do this. I had an odd feeling that if I did this, I would get a Blooming Waters collection. I don't really know why I thought this, because I was at the release on Friday and they had sold them all out right in front of my eyes.
Well, apparently they did not sell out. When I walked in, the cashier was on the phone with his boss, and his boss was grilling him as to why they still had blooming waters collections in the back. The worker explained that a few were pre-orders people hadn't picked up yet, but that one was a box that an employee had saved to buy later, but hadn't come to pick up yet. His boss then basically threatened him to put that box on the counter and sell it today.
It was impossible not to listen in on this conversation, so when it was over, I went up and asked what pokemon cards they had left. He mentioned that the blooming waters box was pretty much all they had,so I took it. It's kinda crazy that yesterday I was whining about how much I wanted to find a blooming waters box in the wild, and then it literally just showed up.
I'm also dating the love of my life now. "Dating" in a somewhat loose sense of the term. It's like a QPP/Moirails kind of thing. Well, it's more romantic on my side than his. All that's important is we're a "thing". He's also, like, a real human and not a demon or other spiritual entity this time (and he doesn't mind I'm demon married!). He's super cool and we have a lot of general shared interests (like horror movies and card games and stuff) but the interests don't overlap too too much, so we can still learn a lot about each other's interests. He's so cute! I've been in love with him for like 2 years straight, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
I love him so much. He's not those weird wannabe psyche guys who projects their feelings onto you since they can't tell what you're thinking. He's not afraid to admit that he has no idea what goes on in my head half the time.
He's so wonderful to me, even before we were dating. He's a real friend and I appreciate his input. He's also an interesting person to me. I'm going to stop gushing over him but I'm willing to believe that soulmates might be real to some extent.
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