Entries for April

4 / 15 / 2024 - A Roblox Movie???

This dream took place in some Roblox game that doesn't exist IRL. It was mostly in First Person POV, but there was an option to temporarily switch to a fixed camera that was a bird's eye view of the whole area. In the game, the town was sectioned off into specific "areas". Like, the kind you use a loading screen to change to whenever you want to go somewhere else. Each area was meant to be a sort of scene, and the point of the game was to try and make some kind of episodic webseries with other players for fake virtual fame (kind of like the game Content Warning.)

So, to explain some things about the areas: You were just randomly assigned one when you first logged in, and you had to stay there. Well, you didn't have to, but it was considered taboo to switch. People had some bit "hometown pride" kinda stuff over this. Unless you were invited to another area, it was unlikely for people to accept you as one of their own. And if you left your own area for a new one, your old areamates might consider you to be a traitor. Really complex Roblox politics going on, I know.

My town area was me, a few friends, and a bunch of randos who didn't seem to fit anywhere else and so we all gathered up here and banded together. The area itself was like a pit stop, there was a gas station and several fast food places huddled together. We were still trying to figure out what kind of series we wanted to do, but eventually decided in the general direction of making a comedy skit like Good Burger. (In every area, when you start out, most of the buildings and facilities will be broken down and you have to use your in-game earned money from streaming your series in order to buy more things or fix up the town. Only our Burger King worked at the moment, and even then the roof had holes in it.)

This was a tricky one because popularity of your videos was half and half determined by the in-game NPC ratings prompted by you guys doing certain actions (like Content Warning) but also other players from the other areas who watch your videos. We decided just being internet funnymen was probably the safest way to play.

At some point, some guy from another area (very rich in-game) came by to try and steal our frycook. She was originally from his area and she left when he rose to power because he was annoying and he wanted her to be his Roblox baddie. We all told him to fuck off and chased him out of our area but not before he swore he'd try to ruin our in-game lives.

Not much else happened, except two of our main cast members were fighting over who should be the star of the show, which made me go on about how they were going to ruin everything and now the background extras seem more compelling than these two. Also there was an event where we could earn bonus points by completing minigames relating to one of our lead character. Ours was a "survive the backrooms" level like the Regretevator one. Everyone hated this.