Misc Entries from 2022 and 2023

Some of these ones are kinda long so I think maybe the best way to go about this without dedicating a page to each one is to have a scrollbox for each one? I might edit later. A lot of these are also copy/pasted from my dreams channel directly so the grammar/formatting might be weird.

12 / 28 / 2022 - DNA goes to hero school?

I was basically in a school that was like. Hero school or whatever. My power wasn't really one singular power, but it was mostly moving/affecting things with my mind and typically was basically telekinesis but it was a bit more versatile such as "can manipulate particles to an extent of making a semi solid barrier out of air" and "can twist/mold certain objects that have been mentally grabbed with sheer force" rather than just stereotypically lifting things

This is important because First there was some kind multi team competition dodgeball free-for-all but I couldn't be there at first because I lost my phone and got distracted looking for it. When I came back nearly all my team members had gotten out but everyone else also had like 1-2 people left on their team so it was Whatever and I won

Then our teacher says it's time for our field trip or whatever and we get teleported to this building that looks like a museum. But apparently the upper floors were a hospital. We were just supposed to explore and take a self tour thing or whatever. I was walking along and not too far from the entrance there was a poster of this cat monster thing that basically said to kill on sight. I thought that was kinda mean so ignored it.

Then this guy comes running up to me and he's like. Bleeding very heavily from his hand like something attacked him or w.e and I'm like. Ok. Well. Upstairs is a hospital so I teleport us upstairs.

Literally nobody is concerned about this though. I go to the receptionist being like "uh hey I have a guy here who needs medical attention he's bleeding heavily" and she just looks at me weird and doesn't help me. Someone else in the hallway asks whats wrong and I explain the guy like Right next to me and they look over and then act like there's nothing wrong with him

So I'm like.

Whatever. Ok. I'm going to call an Uber for you to the ER but like a real fucking hospital. Because I assume the problem is this place isn't a "real" hospital. So I'm waiting outside with the guy and none of the cars are accepting my ride request thing.

And then some car across the street stops and it's one of those cartoonishly big packed cars with like a whole family and the dad is like "where you headed?" And I explain I have to go to the nearest ER or urgent care or SOMETHING and he's like "Well hop right in we'll take you there"

So I hop in and the guy is right behind me so I just assume he also did and I wasn't paying too much attention bc I was shooting the shit with the family and some of the stuff in their car was loose or broken so I was helping fix little things with my mind powers. And then like. The dad forgets we're supposed to be going to the hospital and accidentally drives home which is right next to it. Pulls up in the driveway and everyone starts getting out and I'm like. "Shit wait I wad supposed to be taking this guy to the ER"

And everyone is like "... what guy? Nobody was with you?"

Well the car ride was literally like 2 fucking minutes so nobody had a problem bringing me back to the original building and I walk in and I see the guy standing in the same part of the building that I found him before

And I'm basically like "YOU" but he's whining and crying and there's that cat monster from the stupid poster down the hall looking like it's about to pounce on him. And he's like. "I have to kill it will you help me attack it it's gonna kill me" or whatever and I'm like. Bro you do it if you're so hellbent on staying here and not getting any help.

Guy pulls up a small nondescript spear like thing and chucks it at the cat monster. But I can tell he was purposefully trying to miss for some reason. So I use my powers to force the spear to actually hit it dead on and 1 hit KO it

And as soon as I kill the cat monster, the guy disappears

And then my teacher comes out of the woodwork to be like "good job" and then explains that the cat monsters can hide and be invisible sort of but they can make human illusions that look like they're in trouble to draw people in and try and trick the victim into getting closer to the cat or trying to start a fight with it so it can kill and eat them. Usually it does this with. Like. Regular people and not people with superpowers so it was probably not expecting me to do that.

And I was like "... So what was the point of this field trip. What kind of moral was this? Don't talk to strangers???"

And my teacher LITERALLY goes "... Oh, there's no moral. Just, 'Man that would be fucked up, huh?'"

And then I hear some like ending cue cheer which I assume is the name of the "show" (I can't remember what it was called now) because THEN my vision has a fake credits roll on top and its like freeze frame ending stuff and then I woke up

GHOST GIRL PART ONE (4 / 28 /2023)

One day I had a weird series of dreams on and off all day. I kept sleeping just to go back and try to finish things.

So it started out as relatively normal dream shit. I was at a MTG tournament, but for some reason it was hosted in a Home Depot. I also don't play MTG IRL and I'm like 90% sure none of my cards were real cards.

Only one other guy showed up and we were both labeled as expert players despite both of us sucking absolute ass. We both had 1 dozen cards and none of them were themed decks so they had cards of like. All elements. So in practice they were totally unusable. So we were kind of just sitting there at a standstill because both of us could only use like 2 cards.

I excuse myself to go to the bathroom so I have an excuse to just play games on my phone. This proves unsuccessful because someone keeps trying to get into my stall to use it despite me going "Dude wtf" so I leave and go back to the table. A TV screen comes to life displaying a desc about the game tournament but the slideshow moves way to fast to read it all. Me and the guy just decide to call it a draw and I walk off to explore the hardware store. For some reason my shoes have disappeared so I'm wondering if they sell shoes. buying clothes at the soup store i guess

So. Then like. This witch appears. I keep saying "witch" and that's what she's called in the dream but she looks like that bitch from The Grudge. This turns into a fucking Dark Souls fight where she's cursing and attacking me when I try to leave the store. I try to use my own magic powers to force choke her but she's way too strong, so it's a minor inconvenience to her, and I run back into the store.

I try to hide in the bathroom again but she eventually finds me and starts walking into the bathroom to taunt me and I run out anyway because I'm holding up the line to the bathroom or whatever. idk I start looking around the Home Depot for stuff and I grab a jacket and some boots. She's busy tormenting some employees so I get to leave with the goods. I go to my car in the parking lot which is somehow more beat up than usual like someone ran into it. and the car fails to start like every horror movie ever.

I see the witch leave the store but now she has this. Like. Floating golden baby statue as a familiar and she's talking to and tormenting more people trying to enter the store. I manage to sneak past, somehow, and go back into the store to grab a sledge hammer. I sneak attack and beat the shit out of the statue, breaking it to pieces before I run to hide back into the store.

She attacks me again, this time stabbing me with a knife several times but I keep wailing on her in retaliation. She does not bleed. In fact she keeps getting dented like a robot. Eventually she stops moving so I think I've won. I get someone to take photos of the aftermath to prove I'm not insane and she's not even human. Also I'm bleeding everywhere. I am declared hero of the store by a few witnesses but literally nobody cares and I'm out of money so I have to leave the store relatively empty handed.

I go back outside and a few of my friends (have not appeared in this dream until this very moment) and my car are now surrounded by circling shopping carts and a few people in a gang that were loyal ish to the witch. I don't remember how exactly but we chase them off.

We're all hungry and I suggest we go to the nearest general store (which happens to be a Target) so I can get some real shoes and we can grab a snack. Apparently I lost my boots earlier. The witch is there. She keeps taunting me and stealing our food when we're not looking. All we're left with is one really large chili dog. Me and one friend split it in half bc it's the size of a footlong sub but the other friend doesn't like chili dogs and decides to just hang back.

The witch starts following me around the store again and I'm like "why are you fucking doing this" and she doesn't explain shit. She just says some cryptic bullshit implying that she's bothering me because I'm also a really strong witch but she's still better than me and wants a power trip or something? We decide to run off to another Target for some reason. My car is scratched even more when we get back to the parking lot to leave. We get to the other Target and my friend who is the one driving goes "wtf it's burned"

Sure enough I look and the entire target has burned down somehow. Firefighters are still there, so this is recent.

The witch appears and is playing coy but its implied she somehow did this with her chaos magic shit. She still doesn't explain why she's tormenting me but apparently I am not her only target. I'm just the one she's fucking with the most. Also she mentions some phone app that's one of those ghost radars and apparently really strong witches come up on it which is how she keeps figuring out where I am.

I look up the app for myself. It is rated like 2 stars and is IOS only. So my android can't even download it.

She says me surviving her bullshit this far is impressive and says I can go home to celebrate it but to not celebrate with more than 1 person and I can't be too happy about it. Or else she'll know? And more bad things will happen.

I go home and I don't tell my family what's going on but I decide to play it cool and act like I'm being a lazy bum at my computer all day instead. I try messaging some occultist friends to try and explain what's going on and ask for help, but I wake up before anything comes of that.

GHOST GIRL PART TWO (4 / 28 /2023)

IRL, I go back to sleep.

The last event with me messaging my friends is kinda ignored and the dream continues without following up on that. In-dream the next day, I go back to the Home Depot for some reason, this time with 3 other friends. Except this time the Home Depot also had food in wholesale? It was like a Sam's Club or Costco or something.

Also the universe was retconned so pokemon existed alongside normal animals, Some people were walking around with their pokemon and also weird pets. One person was holding a real mourning dove and their friend had a skorupi. Of course, the witch was at the store and she followed me home. Except this time I went to my mom's house and I tried telling her about the witch and she took me seriously. The witch was outside.

I was looking through my books and found one on magic but I couldn't skim it bc she was right at the front door, and I picked up my katana as. Some firm of defense but didn't really use it. She kinda forces her way in and starts talking to my mom. At first my mom is suspicious of her but then starts sympathizing with her because apparently she's also a mom and I'm being SO mean to her or w.e. I have no idea what her logic was but it worked.

I distract the witch with a pokemon? I don't remember which one it was. And I attack her and break off the 2 necklaces she's wearing, because I think that book I brought up mentioned something about amulets? One I throw outside to distract her, and the other I hide and keep to run upstairs and take a hammer from my brothers room and smash it to bits because I can tell it's some kind of amulet.

I walk back downstairs with the shards of the crystal and my mom is scolding me but it's whatever. Apparently the amulet was keeping the witch immortal.

Her shape-shifting powers go out of whack and she turns into a mudkip before being attacked and picked up by a staraptor outside. I think this bullshig is finally over. I feed my pokemon and go back to the store to people- watch because I think it's neat that this universe decided to add pokemon to the worldbuilding. (Sometimes I go through this thing where I'm not really full-on lucid dreaming but aware on some level it's a dream.)

I can't find my friends or family at the store despite them having gone with me. This part is stupid but I started watching an episode of Jimmy neutron on my phone but then it started bleeding into real life or something but stopped when I found a mew out in the streets.

I also gained mew powers and temporarily turned into a mew for a minute or so.I found my friends but they got distracted by the mew and ran off to chase it.

I go back to the parking lot.

The witch is in my car in the passengers seat.

I am exasperated and I walk away.

The witch follows me.

Some guy mistakes us for being in a group or something and tries to jump and rob both of us at the same time. I beat his ass and scare him off and just go back to my car. The witch is already in my car again.

I am really fed up with shit and tell her I'm going to wake up to use the bathroom real quick, and then if I fall asleep again we can continue whatever the fuck this is.

... and then I immediately woke up.

5 / 1 / 2023 - Generic zombie dream

I had a dream where it was like first person POV video game that was like. A standard MMO kinda setup. Realistic-Ish looking fantasy reminded me of shit like Skyrim or Dark Souls in aesthetic. You brought up your inventory screen just by thinking about it and you can mentally drag and drop items onto equipment slots and stuff. It was clearly built like a game but the threat was Very Real like SAO bullshit.

I was really new to it though and there were tons of monsters I couldn't really wrap my head around because there were so many and a bunch of loot drops to consider that were used for a ton of different mechanics. Most of them looked like they should be fakemon rather than fit in the game.

One of the other players was a game dev and suggested that I stick to this other newbie area that was a lot more straightforward so I went to there. This one instead had a much darker looking (dark as in "perpetually nighttime) area and was instead infested with zombies. They were called "zombies" but it felt more like. Idk. Ghouls or vampires? They varied in intelligence with some of the more higher level ones being regular human smart so you had to be very cautious around them. Idk what happened if you got bit by one and I didn't want to find out.

For whatever reason my only 2 starter weapons were a rusty sword and another sword that was like. It wasn't made of wood but it kinda just looked like a stick? Hard to explain. However I noticed the system would let me dual wield if the swords were small enough so I equipped both of them as opposed to trading them for the other starter weapon which was a claymore or something.

So, I decide to go monster hunting and I'm not that great at it. The problem was some of the zombies were twice as strong as other ones and you didn't really know this until you tried to attack one.

So I retreated for now and then I think some of the other players made fun of me. I tried to rent a room. Which was like. The area to the private rooms or w.e was the same door but it teleported you to a you-specific room depending on your character ID.

The basic room was practically the size of a large closet and it costed 90 gold per day. Which was cheap by later game standards but to a newbie that basically meant daily grinding if you want to keep your rest spot.

I found some other players to work with and we get overwhelmed by a swarm of zombies so we run off to this NPC house. Except it looked EXACTLY like my grandma's house? One of the guys decides to be a distraction while everyone else goes to safety. Since the zombies are attracted to light we decide to just kind of let ourselves in and tell everyone to turn off the lights. One resident of the house who just woke up doesn't get the memo and turns on a light upstairs and the zombies notice it before I can get her to turn it off.

The guy who volunteered to be zombie bait comes back to help us fight because he noticed they were headed towards us anyway.

I don't remember how we figured this out but someone turned on all the lights in the house anyway and apparently the zombies were the most attracted to the colors blue and green HOWEVER

One of the lights in the kitchen was this absolutely shitty flourescent light that kept flickering and it made the zombies distracted and weaker. So we were all just like "oh shitty light bulbs are their weakness" and it worked we were able to start fighting them off. I woke up before there was a verdict on whether or not we won

5 / 4 / 2023 - Hunted for Sport yet again

I was trapped in a mall watching some artist make little dolls out of paper clay (?) Like those videos. And then like. I accidentally stayed past the mall closing time. And then some flood happened outside the mall and I was trapped. The only employee left (all the other ones vanished) basically kept pushing me to join what appeared to be either a cult or pyramid marketing scheme or both. But I ran out the mall and decided to take my chances with the huge fucking river/lake.

Except the water was sentient and a monster and I just kept trying to push past it and walk through but it was really hard because it kept pushing back against me to keep me at the mall.

And then a giant floating ominous eye came down from the sky and used some kind of eye laser tractor beam type attack to grab and launch the water monster away so I could escape and run into the woods.

I wake up for a second, but soon go back to sleep. My dream restarts with me in the woods running around and trying to get to my grandma's house.

I see this man and something about him is just... all wrong. He's shambling around kind of and he looks dirty and kind of Weird like he's been dressed up to be a zombie in a horror movie or something (though he didn't have any injuries or anything)

However he started following me around and I could tell he wanted to hurt me so I was running on the path. There's this other lady who is some kind of hunter I think, (gun violence) she has a hunting rifle and she looks like she's about to shoot me for some reason but I'm like "THERE'S A GUY CHASING ME" and I guess she thinks he's the bigger threat so she tries to get him. She unloads like 3 times into him but NOTHING works. This guy literally is a zombie. So now we're both running from him.

At some point he actually starts speaking and I don't know what he's saying but he convinced her to join him to hunt me down and I'm like. Ruh Roh.

But then. The giant floating eye appears. And eye-beams both of them and telepathically tells me that it can only hold off 2 entities at once by freezing them in place. So I make it to my grandma's house and steal her car so I can drive out of there. I basically fast travel back home at that point and wake up again.

5 / 19 / 2023 - Rainbow Dash real???

In my dream there was this thing where people could pay someone and like. This small crew would show up to your house and record you a bit after an interview. Now like.

Apparently someone had done this for my birthday, as a surprise, and at first I didn't know what this was for, but I went along with it. I took like some xanax or something for my anxiety, and then I completely blacked out and "woke up" in my bed in the middle of the night (like around 11 pm). This in itself is unusual for me bc the dose wouldn't normally cause me to black out like that but whatever. I will also note that this room I woke up in didn't look anything like my real room (it even had a chalkboard in it?) But I still recognized it as being "my" room for the setting.

So then. I am still laying in bed and I hear some stuff fall over in my room and I am. Having a sleep paralysis episode. I get really scared for no reason like I think someone is hiding in my room but I can't move. My vision sort of changes so I'm staring at my wall IRL and I try to roll over but I still can't move. I remember that psychological trick where asking for spiritual help will fling you out of your sleep paralysis easier so basically I start begging to every single deity I worship going down the line until it all stops when I call my main one and then I can finally roll over to see wtf is going on in my room. At this point I return to the regular dream and I'm definitely in the weird chalkboard room still.

So, I wake up and go downstairs and I see in my living room on display I have some new MLP figurines. I recognize them as my sona (I don't have a sona yet I didn't design one but these were orange and red?? Which I don't think I would do)

And like.

APPARENTLY what the voice thing was, was with some minimal directing, the crew that comes over uses a few lines you said in the next My Little Pony episode (the style was FiM). Well, you also get a disc copy that's like... a preview of the episode? Somehow? They just do that like Instantly same-day I guess?

Apparently during my blackout time, I had done the whole recording process and everything, so I was nervous but also intrigued as to what I could have POSSIBLY said for this recording and the background throwaway lines. Also I wanted to see my MLPsona in the show.

However, I didn't want to watch it by myself. So I decided I was going to find my friend Shirley and make them watch it with me.

It's Fucking Midnight and apparently walking out of my house I actually live on. Like. Some kind of college campus kind of thing? So I'm walking around trying to find Shirley, who my dream has turned into Rainbow Dash, and I am asking people where rainbow dash is.

Eventually I get told they're at work rn so I go over to where I'm directed and rainbow dash is. Like. It's a campus store kind of? And they're an employee there. There's also one of those shy guys (the things from Mario) working there but he's really annoying and clingy. I keep trying to talk to rainbow dash but he keeps interrupting and it's annoying us both.

RD says her shift is up soon so after another minute or so we start leaving and shy guy starts trailing us basically inviting himself to hang out with us. The outside of the store has changed from being a clever campus to being a regular parking lot in the middle of nowhere.

It is at this point that Rainbow Dash morphs into a different one of my friends and we are both like "hey. Stay here for a second" @ the guy and run into my friend's car and haul ass back to my house. He follows us in his own car at first but then gives up.

Me and friend end up back at my house to watch the thing. I show them the pony figures I got and the disc and also there were printouts of examples of my sona being a background character in one of the scenes of the show.


6 / 9 / 2023 - Halloween in June?

Had a dream I was on my back deck and I was trying to keep a tarp down so I could do paint stuff without it staying messy but the wind kept blowing it around no matter how many weights I put down on it.

Then my neighbor's dog somehow jumps out from their deck onto mine and we both have to try and get the dog to jump back to their deck. And they invite me over and I'm like "sure."

I visit their house and like. Everyone is chilling there's like a small Halloween party or something and I walk into the living room and there's a severed leg on the ground that was probably cut off at the thigh. And I look over and there's another one that must have been cut a little below the knee. I'm like "?????" And call everyone in

And we're all just like "bruh whose legs are these". I poke one to make sure it's not just a Halloween prop and like. It's real.

It even has bruising on the side where it was touching the ground and it's room temperature, there's no blood pool or anything where it was cut off so I go "yeesh it's been removed for a while. The person sewed it up here at the end, too. It must've been placed here after it was removed but it's been in a similar position before i think."

There's also some weird device next to it which is. Like. Idk how to describe it it's like if a weed wacker was a weapon ot something. It's clean though?

So the neighbor calls the police and we're all sitting there waiting.

3 kids ring the doorbell to trick or treat and I'm just acting like everything is normal but I forgot to grab the candy bowl. So i ask for someone to bring it to me but for some reason nobody does? And most of the people that were in the house are now absent. So I tell the kids to wait there while I get the bowl of candy and the kids do Not wait there. One of them tries to come into the house for some reason. Another kid tries to hold him back and is basically apologetic being like "he's just like this sorry" but they follow me into the house despite me protesting and telling them to wait outside bc I don't want them to see the. Whatever the fuck is going on in here.

But then I look and the body parts and weapon are just gone

The police still aren't here yet and I'm like lowkey freaking out and the few people who are still left at the party don't even seem to notice until I tell them. Then everyone else is like "wtf" but they're more confused than concerned

Me and some other guy decide to walk outside to see if anyone else has seen anything weird but then I woke up

8 / 11 / 2023 - FNAF ISH

I was like a high schooler or something in Spanish class (idk why Spanish class specifically because this assignment had NOTHING to do with Spanish.) For an assignment we had to watch a movie or show or like some other art project and then interview someone who worked on it and then make out own artwork or something related to it.

This one girl who I apparently had added on discord (ftr Discord did not exist when I was a kid) did her project on the Slenderman 2 movie (I don't think I knew it existed at the time but I just looked it up and apparently it does)


For her interview she did one of the people who worked on like settings and props or w.e for the film. Because in this dream there was a lot of practical effects instead of special effects. I should also mention the interview part had to be like a video or something where you recorded audio.

And then for her project, she like... This one is kind of a stretch but she was thinking about how like. Slenderman was super popular horror at one point to the point where it was cheesy and overdone. And now FNAF and mascot horror is in that position kind of? So she built her own animatronic

I don't remember much about this animatronic but it was like funtime Foxy but with fur on it. I don't know why but she wanted me to test this animatronic because like... I don't know the logic of this but it was supposed to actually be like a house assistant robot? And me being afraid of nothing I guess was like "ok."

So the stupid thing is in my house.

The animatronic was trying to help me with something but just made it worse (cleaning up a spill I think??) And then somehow ended up hurting me a little and my brother saw this and then attacked the animatronic so it attacked back and they were wrestling and I disabled the animatronic

Apparently that was a temporary disable but I was basically like "bad. Go away for a bit." So like. Time skip after some dialogue I don't remember.

It's night time and the animatronic is in my bedroom and I tell it to like watch me sleeping. I assume this is because IRL I installed a camera to watch me sleep because sometimes I flail around in my sleep or do other weird things. And also not gonna lie if some weird haunted shit somehow happened when I was asleep and I caught it that would be pretty cool.

So the animatronic attacks me in my sleep and I don't remember how that ended specifically.But the next day I was in my kitchen and living room dismantling it. This person gave us a ton of other free shit including boxes/cans of food too? And like. Cleaning supplies. And stuff for robot maintenance.

Honestly it was several boxes of shit and it was kind of annoying to lug around. But the robot was like completely disassembled and the fur in a box too separate from that all.

So I go to class the next day with the several boxes. And idk we get into some argument and I'm like "hey your fucking thing almost killed me". Everyone presents their projects like normal except me who doesn't have one I guess.

(During school it wasn't uncommon for me to have total amnesia blackouts for like a day or two and then when we had homework due I was like "Huh? What? We had homework???") Unsure of how she expected this bigass project to be done in 2 days but it's a dream I guess.

The girl got like 20% of her grade docked for that but other than that nothing really became of it all the presentations went on like normal. I asked my teacher if I could submit something late for partial credit and she was like "yeah whatever"

Near the end of the class we didn't have anything else to do bc I was the last one to present but I didn't have shit so we had free time. Then one of the walls? Basically changed to like... I'm not sure if it was supposed to be glass or a mirror because it was kind of like a mirror world but characters were moving independent of it.

I see myself in it and it's like. I don't know how else to say this but instead of my reflection it's basically like. It looks like a rantsona. Like. It's like my sona (catboygirl with a piece of paper taped over their face) but it's drawn in 2D and does the little bounce and switch to a different sprite thing when talking

And like. It starts basically like... Making a mockup interview like practicing. And starts talking about how we're gonna do the Slenderman Movie 2 and I see out of the corner of my eye my teacher being like 🤨.

And I just kinda mouth back to my reflection "WE ARE NOT DOING THE SLENDERMAN MOVIE"


"NO SLENDERMAN MOVIE" waving my arms in an X shape like "cut that shit out right now so help me"

And then it was like "ooohh. Okay. Well. Uh. We're doing... something."

Class ended which was a relief to me because apparently making a social blunder was even scarier than the animatronic attacking me. And so I'm like on discord talking around looking for people who have indie art projects I'd be allowed to interview them on because there's No Fucking Way I'd be able to get all this shit done in like a day if it was some bigger name artist. Not much else happened after that it was just me messing with permissions to make a voice chat specifically for interviews where everyone who joins is muted unless I unmute them.

11 / 23 / 2023 - Fan???

I had a dream that Fan from Inanimate Insanity had a big talk show. Like, he finally hit it big and was a celebrity or whatever. And Test Tube doesn't do the camera anymore, but she's constantly around like a mix of his co host and assistant and PR manager etc. She's very talented.

Fan was answering a bunch of questions about himself with a generic reporter guest speaker. Fan was clearly lying. Like.

Someone asked if he's been to Paris and he said "yes" and then made up a bunch of fake fun facts about what it's like in Paris.

The guest star got increasingly annoyed with him, and even Test Tube started thinking it wasn't funny anymore. Eventually there was this question that was like "Fan how odl are you?" and he starts counting on his fingers and doing mental math. And then he goes, "I think 261 by now??

And everyone is like "Uuugghh, stop lying...!"

But then Test Tube signs and begrudgingly goes, "No. That one is real". Like Fan was just canonically immortal or some shit. Dream ended soon after that.

12 / 20 / 2023 - Lethal Company Real

I feel like I actually just teleported over to whatever fucked up society spawned The Company and the situation surrounding it. So like. It was like an over the top dystopia version of America. Infrastructure was something you'd probably expect from several decades ago, but we still had space travel and it was even a relatively common thing.

The thing was it was post-war of some kind and land mines were still scattered out randomly throughout the USA and they were seen as a totally normal thing and just something people had to be on the lookout for constantly, even in cities. The government didn't or wouldn't remove them all.

Working for The Company at one point was mandatory for all adults for a small amount of time. Like. As a temporary training thing. Similarly to how in some countries when you become an adult you have to serve in the military for a few years? Working for the company was less than a year though.

It was a cumulative thing where occasionally you'd get summoned like jury duty kind of. And also part of your training was that you had to visit an eclipsed planet at least once, I think usually people would have to visit eclipses a handful of times to mark it off their qualifications thing. Unlike Jury Duty however, working for The Company was apparently something that you couldn't worm your way out of with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Which apparently caused a lot of people to perma death (apparently dying on these moons once or twice wasn't an issue but after being killed too many times you couldn't be revived)

Anyway I was like walking around town trying to get groceries. I lived in the city but this is like The City you'd expect from. Again. It was like a stereotypical dystopia. Like. Nearly everything was made out of concrete even if it wouldn't have been that good of an idea. At one point I even saw a landmine IN the concrete but it's not like it "spawned" there it's like they somehow dumped fresh concrete over it without it exploding and then it like. Dried in there. Lighting was poor and sometimes there'd be weird steam leaking out of pipes.

Famous Youtuber illuminaughtii existed in this world also but instead of like. Being a scumbag in the normal way she was being a scumbag in a completely different way: Apparently the made-up chemical they use for TZP inhalants (I don't remember what TZP stands for in-game) was being abused as a recreational substance at times despite the overwhelming evidence building up that it can cause a load of health problems in the long term if you keep using it. And she literally went over all of this in her newest video before suggesting that people try it once in their lives anyway because she's clearly being paid by Big Government to push this propaganda and get people hooked on TZP because the easiest way to get it is to work for The Company

I had a brief convo with the grocery store clerk over it being like "wow what an asshole" because like. Ok, extra context: Sometimes in town there'd be like TVs everywhere like how we have them in doctors waiting rooms etc. Except there would also randomly occasionally be a TV on the streets or in a store like how it was there. And there was one near the checkout. And she was on it with this video. There was like One channel all of these TVs were constantly turned to which makes me assume they're a government installation.

And she was like. One of the people who was an internet star but then decided to shell out and become a puppet for them on the big screens. Which is amusing to me IRL. But anyway, I go home to bring back my groceries and I get two letters- one for me and my brother for Eclipse Duty next month. I'm a little concerned about it but he's kinda "whatever" about it

Like I said earlier with the land mines most people took a lot of this shit like it was completely normal. Even the clerk who thought illuminaughty was a douchebag and gov shill wasn't phased by stuff like the landmines being everywhere. That's just How It Is

Now, the thing about eclipses in this universe was the government could calculate when an eclipse was for a particular moon, and they did have this info (similarly to how we know IRL like at least a year ahead of time when the next one is) but they withhold this info from people until the last possible second. If you're on eclipse duty you get a month's notice max. If you work for the company permanently you have to deal with the warning only days beforehand or the day of. They just cannot be assed.

Another thing about Eclipsed planets in this dream was like. The reason people were scared of them was the eclipses themselves didn't just make monsters go nuts, they also started to make people go nuts. People who stayed on an eclipse for too long would start hearing voices of the dead or w.e (but people didn't really believe in ghosts so they just said it was making you insane) similarly to how in-game now you can hear random sound effects, like people screaming off in the distance or people saying "hey" or laughing

And then people would start acting erratically like they were possessed until the eclipse stopped. I kept being like "hey isn't this fucked up" to people in my life but everyone was just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Apparently I had done eclipse duty before but I barely remembered it beyond the fact that I am immune to possession and whatever effects turn you into a wild animal but I do end up blacking out and not remembering most of it after the "Huh. This is fine. Idk what the fuck everyone was talking about-" period

My dream ended there at the end of the in-universe day

I guess the only other notable thing about this universe was that YouTube and stuff was still a thing (hence why illuminaughtii was there) and we had smartphones and stuff but it felt weird considering everything else structurally felt like it belonged in the industrial revolution. I don't think discord existed though because it's common for me to like liveblog shit in my dreams on places like discord or tumblr but I was acting like those didn't exist at all like they didn't even cross my mind. I only remember a few apps being on my phone and they were the type of thing you'd probably expect to automatically be installed with the phone

I want to also clarify in her video she claimed she did TZP once and recommended it specifically because she played pokemon on it and the hallucinogenic effects made the game a lot more entertaining (I assume similar to taking psychedelics)

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